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Framesi Morphosis Purifying Spray 淨化噴霧 100ml
Framesi Morphosis Reinforcing Energizing Spray 防脫頭皮激活噴霧 150ml
Framesi Morphosis Repair Plumping Mousse 修護免沖洗泡沫 150ml
Framesi Morphosis Repair Velvet 修護補濕乳 100ml
Framesi Morphosis Restructure Leave-In 重組免沖噴霧 150ml
Framesi Morphosis Scalp Destress Serum 抗敏精華液 100ml
framesi Morphosis 極緻堅果修護油 100ml
framesi Morphosis 極緻堅果油深層修護護理 250ml
framesi Morphosis 極緻堅果精華液 15ml (6pcs)
framesi MORPHOSIS 護色深層護理 250ml
Framesi MORPHOSIS 防脫活髮精華(適合油性頭皮)12X7ml
Framesi MORPHOSIS 防脱活髮60日療程套裝(適合敏感頭皮)250ml + 24X7ml